The path to Rightbank was exactly that...a statement of intent made on a path adjacent to the right bank of the Wimmera River in our home town of Horsham, Victoria. What was once home to some of Horsham's first breweries in the 1800's,  the desire to recreate history emerged.

Our love for the craft was there, our creative juices were within, and once the statement was made, we were parked over the kitchen bench making our first 5 litre batch. We have since grown to a small scale Nano Brewery, producing small batch, artisan hand crafted beer.  We brew it. We package it. We do the lot.

Our journey has just begun, with more risks to take and stories to make, but we know the path is well worth the journey.

We are Rightbank Brewing Society. We look forward to having you along for the ride.

Danny & Samantha Whiteman


There is something so pure about craft beer, so wholesome and authentic. Real ingredients, real flavours, real fun.

For us, craft beer isn’t just a beer, it’s a state-of-mind, an expression, an ambition, a celebration, a creative licence, a thrill.

To put it simply, we love the feeling of crafting something by hand, for the hand.

It 's beer done right.


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